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Featured Athlete: Sarah Bogue – Part 2

Featured Athlete: Sarah Bogue – Part 2

Ever since I decided to train for my first competition, I've been documenting my progress on Instagram – the crazy thing is, people have started to take notice. As a result I've been approached by a handful of companies to represent their brands, and after much deliberation, I am happy and proud to be a sponsored athlete for PrOatein Bar, a healthy all natural protein bar company, a brand ambassador for Vancouver Fitness Apparel (VNFT), a fitness and lifestyle clothing company, and of course FitMyFoot! My custom orthotics have been perfect in helping with the increased stresses and pressure I've been putting my body under. Follow Sarah on Instagram

Since I do work full time, I spend the majority of my free time at the gym. It makes for a very busy schedule but it's hardly work when you love what you do. SO how do I do it?


Writing out a weekly schedule and meal prepping is essential in my everyday life (I wouldn't know what I would do without my calendar). I get my workouts in about 6 days a week, either before work at 5:45am or right after work at 6pm and train for about an hour and a half everyday. I like to live by FitMyFoot's #KeepGoing mentality.


I make sure to prep all of my meals ahead of time every week so I can stay on track. Making sure I eat properly to gain and for recovery is essential to success. (See: Eating for Exercise and Recovery)
Eating healthy is essential for reaching your fitness goals. You can work out for 5 hours a day, 7 days a week, but if you aren't fueling your body with the proper nutrients that it needs, then all your hard work will go to waste. Healthy eating is 80% of the equation, working out is only 20% so when it comes down to it, take the time to plan out and make healthy meal decision.


Work Out Constantly
I can't count the times I've heard someone say to me: "I work out constantly but I'm not seeing any results, what am I doing wrong?"
The majority of the time it's usually your nutrition that is holding you back from seeing results and reaching your goals. Even making small changes in your diet can go a long way. A few quick fixes to try are:
  • Switching to leaner proteins
  • Drinking more water
  • Cutting down on processed foods
  • Eat smaller portions


It takes 21 days to develop a habit, I tell people to pick one thing that you want to cut out of your diet, and stick with it for 21 days. It will be hard, and it will suck, but by the end you'll have a fully developed habit! After that, your body will be less inclined to crave that certain food and you will find yourself less likely to want to indulge as a result.
So this is your challenge, try planning your meals and scheduling your workouts for three weeks and sticking to it. Not only will you plan to eat healthier, but you will stick with your routine, and start to watch the pounds fall off.
If you're new to fitness, your feet, arches, knees, hips, and back may not be used to the added stress. I would recommend getting a pair of FitMyFoot Orthotics to help elevate the stress and promote better alignment in your body. Especially when doing movements you may not be used to, like squats, deadlifts, or even running.
Give it a try!
Up next:
Part 3 – My Routine
Part 4 – My Meal Plan

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