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Put Some Color in Your Quarantine

These are strange times. The pandemic is having a big impact on us all and we’re looking for ways to help one another. We were thrilled by the response to ourHealthcare professionals program. Thank you for helping to spread the word!

This month we recast April Fools,a date we typically celebrate, as April Tools, a time for health and helpfulness. Channeling our love of art, we started coloring to stay healthy and creative during quarantine. We enjoyed the benefits so much that we decided to share them with you.

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We converted three of our most popular patterns into coloring sheets and posted them here. You can go digital or use traditional paper -- we provided both:

>> Just Add Color

Why color? Research shows that coloring stimulates happiness. One study published in the Creativity Research Journal found that “coloring participants showed significantly lower levels of depressive symptoms and anxiety.” Coloring is also a great mindfulness tool that helps people slow down and enjoy the moment. The beautiful thing is that this works in kids and adults just the same.

Throughout the month of April, anyone who colors a FitMyFoot pattern and posts their work on social media with the hashtag #FitMyFootit will receive a 25% off promo code valid all month. It’s our way of sharing the work that makes us happy.

We hope this helps you stay healthy, from head to toe.

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