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The Best Outdoor Adventure Trips To Take In The U.S.

As anumber of U.S. stateslift all Covid-19 restrictions and more people get vaccinated, the question for many shifts towhat should I do with my new-found freedom?.Luckily for Americans, the U.S. is one of the most diverse travel destinations on the planet, offering a variety of climates and unique adventures.

Today were going to cover some of the best outdoor adventure trips you can take in the U.S. from coast to coast, so buckle up and lets get planning!

Its time to get outside

Since the beginning of 2020, the U.S. has been affected by a pandemic health crisis. But with the discovery and rollout of a vaccine, things are starting to get back to normal. Rates of the virus have beenconsistently dropping, which has given many people the hope they need that this is soon to be over. So after a year in our homes, the desire to get outside and explore is more intense than ever.

If thats you, we hope that this summary of some of the best outdoor adventure trips to take in the U.S. inspires your travels.

Top 7 best outdoor adventure vacations in the U.S.

  1. Hiking in Yosemite National Park, California

Hiking is one of our favorite activities here atFitMyFoot, check out this article we recently published with some of the top hiking tips for beginners.Hiking is a great outdoors adventure activity; you are able to explore a new area on foot, getting a closer look at the natural world.

Yosemite is one of thefan favorites when it comes to national parks, and for good reason. It has waterfalls, granite monoliths, dense sequoia forests and valleys surrounded by mountains. Plus, as its located in California, the weather is ideal all year round. Make sure you check out the glow of the sunset on El Capitan or Half Dome, its a sight youll never forget.

  1. Rafting in The Grand Canyon, Arizona

The Grand Canyon is one of theseven natural wonders of the worlddue to its size and scale - its 4,000 feet deep and expands across 1,902 miles, making itbigger than the entire state of Rhode Island! The colorful layers of rock that make up the canyon give an insight into the geological history that preceded its formation, which is why its a must-see for history lovers.

Rafting in the Grand Canyon

When you get to the grand canyon, you can choose from a number of fun outdoor activities like hiking, taking a helicopter ride, checking out Havasu falls, andso much more. River rafting is one of the most popular experiences offered, bringing you through the Canyon via the Colorado River.

  1. Driving Pacific Coast Highway, California

This universally renowned road trip is one of the best adventures you can take. Pacific Coast Highway, PCH, is a road that goes fromSan Diego all the way to the Oregon border, driving parallel to the ocean for the majority of the time. This is a perfect solo adventure trip if thats your thing, or you can grab a car load and hit the road.

Pacific Coast Highway, California

Not only will you go through some ofCalifornia’s most popular destinations like Laguna Beach, Los Angeles, Santa Barbara and San Francisco, youll also get the chance to explore some smaller beach towns like San Clemente or Monterey.

  1. Visiting the hot springs in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming

Yellowstone National Park is one of the most popular hiking destinations in the U.S., but its also home to some amazing hot springs. Hot springs is a natural water pool created by geothermally heated groundwater that risesfrom the Earth’s crust.

Grand Prismatic hot spring in Yellowstone National Park

Grand Prismatic Spring in Yellowstone National Park is the largest hot spring in the U.S. and third largest in the world. But perhaps most strikingly, the hot spring is surrounded by a multitude of vibrant colors including red, orange, yellow, green and blue, making it appear otherworldly.

  1. Ziplining in Camelback Mountain, Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania may not have been your first thought when it comes to vacation destinations, but Camelback Mountain is a perfect option for families looking to explore the outdoors via ziplining. You should expect to enjoy a chairlift to the top of the mountain before plummeting across a4,000 foot long zipline reaching up to 60 miles per hour! Once youre done ziplining, we recommend checking out the waterpark or some hiking trails.

  1. Surfing in Oahu, Hawaii

Oahu in Hawaii is one of the best places to surf in the world! If youve never attempted to surf, make sure you get some guidance from a professional because as with most sports, it can be dangerous. But once you get the hang of the technique, it can be an enjoyable hobby and ideal way to spend time outside.

Surfing in Oahu, Hawaii

Aside fromsurfing in Oahu, the island is a natural beauty with a number of hiking trails, monuments, beaches and lagoons.

  1. Ski or snowboard in Aspen, Colorado

If you prefer the cold, this one's for you! Aspen is located in the Rocky Mountains at 8,000 feet elevation, and is considered a number one snow spot globally due to its impressive powdery snowfall, averaging 300 inches of snowfall per season! Skiing and snowboarding are full body workouts so have an added benefit while you enjoy the landscape.

Aspen, Colorado

If youre new to snow sports, make sure to get direction from an expert by taking somelessons.


Were moving into a new season here in the U.S. and its becoming the ideal time to explore the nation. In this list of the top seven outdoor adventure trips weve covered some popular activities like surfing, hiking, snowboarding and ziplining - hopefully giving you some inspiration to get outside, whatever youre into.

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