Helping Your Plantar Fasciitis

Do you have the best shoes for plantar fasciitis? When it comes to Plantar Fasciitis, shoes are not enough. It is the pain and inflammation of the Plantar Fascia. This is the connective tissue running from the heel bone to the base of the toe joints.

Symptoms include pain felt at the heel where the plantar fascia attaches to the heel bone. It feels like a sharp stab or deep ache in the middle of the heel or along the arch. A lesser known sign is something called ‘morning hobble’. This is where the foot tries to heal itself in a contracted position overnight, making the first step you take in the morning painful. The pain will usually subside during a run or once the area is warmed up.

Plantar Fasciitis is usually caused by the chronic overloading of the plantar fascia. People doing the following things can increase their rick of Plantar Fasciitis by:

  • Biomechanic flaws (flat feet, high-arched feet, tight Achilles tendon, and excessive pronation)
  • Running on Hard surfaces like asphalt or concrete
  • Wearing worn running shoes
  • Overtraining

The longer it's present, the worse it will get. It is a nagging problem that you will want to get a jump (or a step) on preventing at the first sign of symptoms. To do so:

  • 10% rule – never increase mileage or weight load by more than 10% per week
  • Insoles can decrease symptoms significantly in about 95% of sufferers within weeks by limiting the range of motion the plantar fascia can go through, and therefore reducing the mechanical stress on the ligament
  • Use the FitMyFoot foot massaging ball found in all FitMyFoot packages
  • Wear proper running shoes for your foot type and gait
  • Stretch the plantar fascia and Achilles tendon and calf muscles
  • Run on soft surfaces

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