Broken, torn, and worn out insoles affect you more than you realize. The support that you once loved and cherished has all but gone from the constant pounding of the day-to-day grind. You're starting to notice that subtle ache in the arch of your foot, your knees are starting to get misaligned, your hips are tight, and there's a dull ache in your lower back. We’re here to help you out with our guide on how long do insoles usually last and when it's time to replace your insoles.
How Often Should Orthotics Be Replaced?
While there is no strict time line as to when you should replace your FitMyFoot Custom Insoles, determining if they need to be replaced comes down to their appearance and how often they are used.
This one should be obvious – are you experiencing any type of pain? This could be in your back, feet, ankles, knees etc. Custom insoles are supposed to do the exact opposite – they're supposed to alleviate pain, not cause it. If you are feeling pain, it may be time to replace your insoles. You should not experience pain while standing, jogging or even jumping. Also, your feet should not experience pain from calluses or corns, which are signs your feet have been rubbing inside your shoe.
Fill in the blank: "I wear my insoles for ____." Is the answer sports, day-to-day activities like walking around on your lunch break at work, or are you wearing them to run long distances every second day as you train for a half-marathon? Long story short, if you use them for every day activities, they will not wear nearly as fast as if you are training to become the next Usain Bolt. Activities like jogging, for example, wear down your insoles quicker than wearing them while at work each day. A good rule of thumb is to replace them every 6-12 months.
When you look at your insoles, there are a few things you will notice – some are just aesthetic and some are structural. It's the wear and tear in the structure that we are looking for... First of all, aesthetic wear and tear will show up on the top layer. You may notice that the pattern has started to rub or wear off (Below right) – this is OK, it does not mean that the integrity of the rig is at stake. Secondly, on the bottom of the insole you may notice that the color has started to wear off where the pressure of your heel or the ball of your foot centralizes (Below left) – this is also normal and to be expected with every day use.

However, what you really want to be looking for is any cracks, broken pieces, or if there is increased flexibility in the arch (I.e. not giving the same level of support). If you do notice any cracking, it's time to replace them.
Last but certainly not least, have you had any significant lifestyle changes? For example, if you have had knee surgery, become pregnant, etc. you may need new insoles to accommodate the changes in your body. These medical adjustments can actually cause your biomechanics to change, possibly rendering your insoles out of date. Learn more about our custom insoles here.